review of Captain Marvel

Will today is the day the next installment of the   Marvel franchise has been released, Captain Marvel. Brie Larson is Captain Marvel. let me just say I really did not know anything about Captain Marvel.  So I did not know what to expect and I did not know anything about Brie Larson. That being said I am a huge Marvel fan and so far Marvel has done a wonderful job building up the Marvel cinematic universe.  So I had to check out Captain Marvel. To be honest, is it the best Marvel film that they have ever done? no. Is it the worst one? no. Once again Marvel did a good job telling you who Captain Marvel is and what she is all about. It is one of the many reasons I love the Marvel movies.  It was also nice to learn a little bit about Nick Fury back story. Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) and Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) had great buddy-movie chemistry. They play off each other very well. Captain Marvel also delivers on the humor which Marvel movies are known for. So if you are a big fan of The Marvel franchise I would say it is worth checking out. I give Captain Marvel 3 stars. Are you planning on seeing it? What did you think of it? let me know what you think?


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